

Active Threat Hunting: A New Approach to SMB Security

who’s hiding in your network?

Traditional IT security tools like antivirus and firewalls focus on prevention—in other words, trying to stop cybercriminals from breaking down your front door.

And while these still play an important role today, hackers are finding new and innovative ways to bypass these systems and infiltrate SMB networks.

So, what happens when a hacker slips through the cracks undetected? How long will they spend dwelling in your environment? What sensitive information will they capture? And at what point will they deploy ransomware and fully encrypt your systems?


To protect our clients from these evolving threats, we offer a managed detection and response (MOR) solution as part of our security service. This added layer of protection is designed specifically to look for these hidden threats and “quiet” indicators of compromise that other tools miss.

Think of it as a safety net or the backup cord on a parachute; if your primary defenses fail, MOR provides active threat hunting that can be the difference between a quick recovery or a major incident.

Hackers have upgraded their systems. It’s time to upgrade yours.


  • Our software collects data from your desktops, laptops, and servers and sends it to a cloud-based engine for automated review. This process is invisible to users.
  • Once captured, our threat operations team manually reviews suspicious and potentially malicious activity to eliminate false positives and identify real threats to your network.
  • If an active threat is present, our team will isolate and remediate any infected machines. We’ll also provide you with easy-to-follow instructions if additional work is required or if we need to coordinate with you directly.

*Source: Huntress

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Bringing IT360 on as our technology services “department” was one of the smartest business decisions we’ve made. Over the years, we’ve tried various similar services and have also hired internal IT staff, and we’ve never felt confident that we were adequately supported. IT360 has changed all that. They not only provide proactive, comprehensive technical support and consulting, they engage with us in a way that feels like they are part of our company…a true business partner.

Principal Owner, Marketing Firm

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